Watch the life cycle of a wild Trangle as it grows from a wee Trangling to a hulking adult.  Use R to create more Trangles. Use Q to clear all the Trangles if there are too many. Use escape to exit the game. This game is a work in progress.

*Make sure you clear the trangles before the game gets too laggy.


PC 17 MB
Mac 20 MB

Install instructions

To play on PC, right click the zip file and select "Extract all". Then, start the game by double-clicking the file titled "Simulation" inside of the "PC v1" folder.

To play on Mac, double click the zip file to open it. Because I am not a verified publisher and your Mac probably doesn't trust me, you need to open finder and search for the unzipped file titled "Mac" .  inside Mac, open 

Contents->MacOS. In MacOS press control and click the file titled "Simulation".  A small window should pop up where you can click open to start the game.

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